What does the Social Services Administration do?
In Sweden, the Social Services Administration is the municipal office that operates under the Social Services Board or the board responsible for the practical and political work regulated by the Social Services Act. We are born and live our lives with different opportunities and under different conditions. Our needs differ depending on our life situation at any given time and sometimes people need extra support. In Överkalix our services include consultation, support and care that we hope helps all residents to live the best life possible. The work of the Social Services Administration is governed by law.
- Socialtjänstlagen (SoL)
- Lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS)
- Offentlighets och sekretesslagen (OSL)
- Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen (HsL)
- Lag om färdtjänst
- Lag om riksfärdtjänst
- Lag om bostadsanpassningsbidrag (BAB)
- Föräldrabalken (FB)
- Äktenskapsbalken
- Namnlagen
- Alkohollagen
- Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU)
- Lag om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall (LVM)
- Lag om unga lagöverträdare (LUL)
Call 020-100 200 anonymously and free of charge for support and advice. You can also use the Safespace app to chat or for more information.
The Save the Children Fund have gathered resources and information about children for young people, parents and those who work with children. Our guidance has been produced by specialists and child psychologists at Save the Children Fund.