Ice skating and ice truck driving

Skogshallen Ice Rink is located on Anna Vikmans väg, just below the library and Norrskenshallen

Skogshallen indoor ice rink

Skogshallen is open to the public from september to april:

Monday-Thursday 15:00-17:00
Sunday 9:00-10:30 


Outdoor Ice Rink

Once it is cold enough, an outdoor ice rink is constructed between Skogshallen ice rink and the library. There is lighting operated by a timer switch on the wall of Norrskenshallen.

The outdoor ice rink is open as long as the weather allows.


Ice Track for Driving

An ice track for driving is plowed at Tallviksavan when ice and temperature conditions allow.

The ice track remains open as long as conditions allow.


Sara Söderberg

Kultur- & Fritidsansvarig

072-142 18 05
Ice skating in Skogshallens ice rink
Outdoor ice skating in the winter
Ice track for driving on Tallviksavan